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Watering chili plants properly

Stagnant moisture is more dangerous for chillies. The symptoms of dry root ball and water logging are similar for chillies. Leaves wither and eventually fall off. Therefore, you should always check beforehand whether it is necessary to supply your plants with moisture.

Watering Can

Most problems with chili breeding are caused by incorrect irrigation. No matter if in the high bed, balcony box, bucket or in the garden. If water logging occurs, the roots start to rot and the chili loses its leaves.

So that you don’t experience such frustration, here are a few tips for watering chillies properly:

Chili watering

In the morning or in the evening?

If possible, water your chillies in the morning or evening. But not in the blazing sun. If drops of water form on the leaves of the peppers, burns will occur. In order to prevent fungal diseases, the plant should have time to dry off before night falls.

How often?

In summer, it is necessary to water the plants daily. At high temperatures also several times a day. It does no harm if the chillies wither slightly. Water until the water reaches the roots. Afterwards your chili recovers after a short time.

How much?

The amount of water cannot be fixed. It depends on the substrate, plant container, sun, light, location and variety.

The right amount of water reaches the root ball. The easiest way to check this is to collect some moisture in the coaster. But be careful: If the soil has become too dry, it cannot absorb the water so quickly. The water simply runs through the substrate. Then pour in several small portions. Feel with your finger whether the moisture arrives at the roots.

With your finger you can easily check whether the root ball is still moist. To do this, insert your index finger into the substrate. At a depth of 3 cm it should be moist, but not wet.

Take the chilli in the flower pot in your hand before watering. Over time you will develop a feeling for the right weight. So you can quickly notice whether the plant needs new water.

Pay attention to the color of the soil. With chili plants, the top layer should dry off. Soil that is too moist remains dark. Mould can then easily form.

Which water?

Rainwater is best suited for watering chili plants. Chillies do not grow particularly well in calcareous tap water. Maybe you have the possibility to set up a rain barrel.

Alternatively you can boil tap water or decalcify it with a water filter. If you do not have many chili plants, you can also mix distilled or osmosis water with tap water.

Many growers use chamomile tea to soak chili seeds in it. This has some advantages because chamomile is considered anti-bacterial. Bacteria and fungi on the seed coat cannot spread as quickly until the chili develops its own defences. There is no reason why you should not water it with a diluted chamomile tea later on.

The water should be adapted to the soil temperature. Leave the water to stand for some time.

Seeds, seedlings and plants

While the chili seeds germinate, they must always be kept moist. Seedlings can be sprayed with a spray bottle. A jet of water from the watering plant may wash away the delicate plants. The easiest way to water large chili plants is with a watering can.

How to water chili?

Flower spray bottles that you can inflate are also practical.

Spray the leaves with a pleasant water mist. This also increases the humidity. Small watering cans with shower can be bought for just a few euros. Who wants it simple and inexpensive, uses empty drinking bottles.

For the cultivation on the balcony flower boxes with water reservoir are practical. Thus, a water supply at the ground remains, with which the plant can supply itself. Nevertheless, there is no danger of water logging.